15825 Spruce Drive, Sedalia, CO 80135
Lot 19, Block 4, Westcreek Lakes Subdivision
(Click on the large picture below to enlarge)

Lot Information:
1344 Finished Square feet
0.8 Total lot acreage
2 bedroom, 2 bath
Attached garage
Great mountain views
Built in 2000
Barely lived in (very clean, oven may not have even been used)
Air forced propane heat
Stair lift present
Energy efficient and durable 2x6 construction
Septic inspected and certified
Access to great private fishing lake - Large Rainbows and Browns common
Easy access to Trail Creek Rd and subsequent ATV/UTV/4x4 trails
Only $209,900 Total Price (No owner financing available)
Eligible for VA and FHA loans.
This property is listed with agent, More information is available at THIS LINK
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